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MultiUse = -1 'True
Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable
DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone
DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone
MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject
Attribute VB_Name = "xThemeVisualStudio2003"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
'xThemeVisualStudio2003 : Theme mimics the Visual Studio .Net 2003 tabs
' I found them cool so i implemented them
' See ITheme for implemented function description
Option Explicit
Implements ITheme
'====Constant Variables===============================================================================================
Private Const m_c_iPROP_PAGE_BORDER_AND_TEXT_DISTANCE As Integer = 7 'the distance between the text and the border in a Property Pages style tab
Private Const m_c_iPROP_PAGE_INACTIVE_TOP As Integer = 2 'the top for the property page (inactive property page)
'====Private Variables================================================================================================
Private m_oXTab As XTab
'following property are cached (locally) for improved performance
Private m_lHDC As Long
Private m_iActiveTab As Integer
Private m_iActiveTabHeight As Integer
Private m_iInActiveTabHeight As Integer
Private m_iTabCount As Integer
Private m_bIsFocused As Boolean
Private m_iScaleWidth As Integer
Private m_iScaleHeight As Integer
Private m_lOuterBorderColor As Long
Private m_lBottomRightInnerBorderColor As Long
Private m_lActiveTabForeColor As Long
Private m_lActiveTabBackStartColor As Long
Private m_lActiveTabBackEndColor As Long
Private m_lInActiveTabForeColor As Long
Private m_lInActiveTabBackStartColor As Long
Private m_lInActiveTabBackEndColor As Long
Private m_lDisabledTabForeColor As Long
Private m_lDisabledTabBackColor As Long
Private m_iIconSize As Integer
'====Event Handlers===================================================================================================
Private Sub ITheme_DrawBackground()
Call pCacheControlProperties 'cache the control proerties for faster access
Select Case m_oXTab.TabStyle
Case xStyleTabbedDialog:
Call ITheme_DrawBackgroundTabbedDialog
Case xStylePropertyPages:
Call ITheme_DrawBackgroundPropertyPages
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub ITheme_DrawBackgroundPropertyPages()
Dim iTmp As Integer
'get the larger of the active tab height and inactive tab height
iTmp = IIf(m_iActiveTabHeight > m_iInActiveTabHeight, m_iActiveTabHeight, m_iInActiveTabHeight)
With m_oXTab
.pCls 'clear the control
'fill background color based on tab's enabled property
If .aryTabs(m_iActiveTab).Enabled Then
.lBackColor = m_lActiveTabBackEndColor
.lBackColor = m_lDisabledTabBackColor
End If
'draw inner shadow (left)
.pLine 0, iTmp, 0, m_iScaleHeight - 1, m_lOuterBorderColor
'draw inner shadow (right)
.pLine m_iScaleWidth - 1, iTmp, m_iScaleWidth - 1, m_iScaleHeight - 1, m_lOuterBorderColor
'draw inner shadow (bottom)
.pLine 0, m_iScaleHeight - 1, m_iScaleWidth, m_iScaleHeight - 1, m_lOuterBorderColor
End With
End Sub
Private Sub ITheme_DrawBackgroundTabbedDialog()
Call ITheme_DrawBackgroundPropertyPages
End Sub
'these functions were seperated acc to theme so as to allow painting of only the desired parts (and not the whole control)
Private Sub ITheme_DrawOnActiveTabChange()
Call ITheme_DrawTabs
End Sub
Private Sub ITheme_DrawTabs()
Call pCacheControlProperties 'cache the control proerties for faster access
With m_oXTab
Select Case .TabStyle
Case xStyleTabbedDialog:
Call ITheme_DrawTabsTabbedDialog
Case xStylePropertyPages:
Call Itheme_DrawTabsPropertyPages
End Select
End With
End Sub
Private Sub Itheme_DrawTabsPropertyPages()
Dim iCnt As Integer
Dim iTabWidth As Integer
Dim utFontRect As RECT
Dim sTmp As String
Dim utTabInfo As TabInfo
Dim iAdjustedIconSize As Integer
Dim iTmpY As Integer
Dim iTmpHeight As Integer
'store the larger height in tmp var
iTmpHeight = IIf(m_iActiveTabHeight > m_iInActiveTabHeight, m_iActiveTabHeight, m_iInActiveTabHeight)
'Set the active tab's font as current font (since the TextWidth function
'will use the current font's size)
Set m_oXTab.oFont = m_oXTab.ActiveTabFont
'initialize the clickable items
For iCnt = 0 To m_iTabCount - 1
utTabInfo = m_oXTab.aryTabs(iCnt) 'get into local variable
sTmp = Replace$(utTabInfo.Caption, "&&", "&")
If InStr(1, sTmp, "&") Then
'if still there is one '&' in the string then reduce the width by one more character (since the '&' will be conveted into an underline when painted)
sTmp = Mid$(sTmp, 1, Len(sTmp) - 1)
End If
If utTabInfo.TabPicture Is Nothing Then
'get tab width acc to the text size and border
iTabWidth = m_oXTab.pTextWidth(sTmp) + m_c_iPROP_PAGE_BORDER_AND_TEXT_DISTANCE * 2
If iTmpHeight - 2 < m_iIconSize Then '-6 for borders
'here we adjust the size of the icon if it does not fit into current tab
iAdjustedIconSize = iTmpHeight - 2
iAdjustedIconSize = m_iIconSize
End If
'get tab width acc to the text size, border and Image
iTabWidth = m_oXTab.pTextWidth(sTmp) + (m_c_iPROP_PAGE_BORDER_AND_TEXT_DISTANCE * 2) + iAdjustedIconSize + 1
End If
'get tab width acc to the text size and border
'iTabWidth = m_oXTab.pTextWidth(sTmp) + m_c_iPROP_PAGE_BORDER_AND_TEXT_DISTANCE * 2
'following adjustments are used in case of property pages only. We must shift
'the left (+2) or (-2) to make it look like standard property pages
With utTabInfo.ClickableRect
If iCnt = 0 And iCnt <> m_iActiveTab Then
.Right = .Left + iTabWidth - m_c_iPROP_PAGE_INACTIVE_TOP + 1
If iCnt = 0 Then
.Left = 0
'If iCnt = m_iActiveTab Or iCnt = m_iActiveTab + 1 Then
.Left = m_oXTab.aryTabs(iCnt - 1).ClickableRect.Right
' Else
'1 pixel distance between property pages (in XP)
' .Left = m_oXTab.aryTabs(iCnt - 1).ClickableRect.Right + 1
' End If
End If
.Right = .Left + iTabWidth
End If
If iCnt = m_iActiveTab Then
If m_iActiveTabHeight > m_iInActiveTabHeight Then
.Top = 0
.Top = m_iInActiveTabHeight - m_iActiveTabHeight
End If
.Bottom = .Top + m_iActiveTabHeight
If m_iInActiveTabHeight > m_iActiveTabHeight Then
.Top = 0
.Bottom = .Top + m_iInActiveTabHeight
.Top = m_iActiveTabHeight - m_iInActiveTabHeight
.Bottom = .Top + m_iInActiveTabHeight
End If
End If
End With
m_oXTab.aryTabs(iCnt) = utTabInfo 'assign the new tab info to the existing one
'fill the tab strip with TabStripBackColor (customizable... so that tab's can easily blend with the background)
m_oXTab.pLine 0, 0, m_iScaleWidth, IIf(m_iActiveTabHeight > m_iInActiveTabHeight, m_iActiveTabHeight, m_iInActiveTabHeight), m_oXTab.TabStripBackColor, True, True
'Now Draw Each Tab
For iCnt = 0 To m_iTabCount - 1
utTabInfo = m_oXTab.aryTabs(iCnt) 'fetch local copy
With utTabInfo.ClickableRect
If iCnt = m_iActiveTab Then 'if we are drawing the active tab
If utTabInfo.Enabled Then
m_oXTab.pFillCurvedGradient .Left, .Top, .Right, .Bottom, m_lActiveTabBackStartColor, m_lActiveTabBackEndColor
m_oXTab.pFillCurvedGradient .Left, .Top, .Right, .Bottom, m_lDisabledTabBackColor, m_lDisabledTabBackColor
End If
'top line
m_oXTab.pLine .Left, .Top, .Right, .Top, m_lOuterBorderColor
'right line
m_oXTab.pLine .Right, .Top, .Right, .Bottom + 2, m_lBottomRightInnerBorderColor
If utTabInfo.Enabled Then
'bottom line (actually we must erase the previously drawn background (since this is the active tab)
m_oXTab.pLine .Left, .Bottom + 1, .Right, .Bottom + 1, m_lActiveTabBackEndColor
'bottom line (actually we must erase the previously drawn background (since this is the active tab)
m_oXTab.pLine .Left, .Bottom + 1, .Right, .Bottom + 1, m_lDisabledTabBackColor
End If
'left line
m_oXTab.pLine .Left, .Top, .Left, .Bottom + 2, m_lOuterBorderColor
Set m_oXTab.oFont = m_oXTab.ActiveTabFont 'set the active tab font as current font
'set fore color
If utTabInfo.Enabled Then
m_oXTab.lForeColor = m_lActiveTabForeColor
m_oXTab.lForeColor = m_lDisabledTabForeColor
End If
Else 'its an inactive tab
If utTabInfo.Enabled Then
If iCnt = m_iActiveTab + 1 Then 'if we are drawing tab just after active tab, then
Call m_oXTab.pFillCurvedGradient(.Left + 1, .Top, .Right, .Bottom, m_lInActiveTabBackStartColor, m_lInActiveTabBackEndColor)
Else 'we are drawing tab just b4 active tab, then
Call m_oXTab.pFillCurvedGradient(.Left, .Top, .Right, .Bottom, m_lInActiveTabBackStartColor, m_lInActiveTabBackEndColor)
End If
If iCnt = m_iActiveTab + 1 Then 'if we are drawing tab just after active tab, then
Call m_oXTab.pFillCurvedGradient(.Left + 1, .Top, .Right, .Bottom, m_lDisabledTabBackColor, m_lDisabledTabBackColor)
Else 'we are drawing tab just b4 active tab, then
Call m_oXTab.pFillCurvedGradient(.Left, .Top, .Right, .Bottom, m_lDisabledTabBackColor, m_lDisabledTabBackColor)
End If
End If
'following is special in case of Visual studio .Net 2003 tabs , a simple line seperates two inactive tabs
If iCnt <> m_iActiveTab - 1 Then
'right line
m_oXTab.pLine .Right - 1, .Top + 2, .Right - 1, .Bottom - 2, m_lInActiveTabForeColor
End If
'bottom line
m_oXTab.pLine .Left, .Bottom + 1, .Right + 1, .Bottom + 1, m_lOuterBorderColor
Set m_oXTab.oFont = m_oXTab.InActiveTabFont 'set the font
'set fore color
If utTabInfo.Enabled Then
m_oXTab.lForeColor = m_lInActiveTabForeColor
m_oXTab.lForeColor = m_lDisabledTabForeColor
End If
End If
'do the adjustments for the border
utFontRect.Left = .Left + 2
utFontRect.Top = .Top + 2
utFontRect.Bottom = .Bottom
utFontRect.Right = .Right - 1
sTmp = utTabInfo.Caption
If Not utTabInfo.TabPicture Is Nothing Then
If iTmpHeight - 6 < m_iIconSize Then '-6 for borders
'here we adjust the size of the icon if it does not fit into current tab
iAdjustedIconSize = iTmpHeight - 6
iAdjustedIconSize = m_iIconSize
End If
iTmpY = utFontRect.Top + Round((utFontRect.Bottom - utFontRect.Top - iAdjustedIconSize) / 2)
Select Case m_oXTab.PictureAlign
Case xAlignLeftEdge, xAlignLeftOfCaption:
If utTabInfo.TabPicture.Type = vbPicTypeBitmap And m_oXTab.UseMaskColor Then
Call DrawImage(m_lHDC, utTabInfo.TabPicture.Handle, g_pGetRGBFromOLE(m_oXTab.PictureMaskColor), utFontRect.Left + 2, iTmpY, iAdjustedIconSize, iAdjustedIconSize)
Call m_oXTab.pPaintPicture(utTabInfo.TabPicture, utFontRect.Left + 2, iTmpY, iAdjustedIconSize, iAdjustedIconSize)
End If
'shift the text to be drawn after the picture
utFontRect.Left = (utFontRect.Left + iAdjustedIconSize + 6) - m_c_iPROP_PAGE_BORDER_AND_TEXT_DISTANCE
'call the API for the text drawing
DrawText m_lHDC, sTmp, -1, utFontRect, DT_CENTER Or DT_VCENTER Or DT_SINGLELINE
'revert the changes so that the focus rectangle can be drawn for the whole tab's clickable area
utFontRect.Left = (utFontRect.Left - iAdjustedIconSize - 6) + m_c_iPROP_PAGE_BORDER_AND_TEXT_DISTANCE
Case xAlignRightEdge, xAlignRightOfCaption:
If utTabInfo.TabPicture.Type = vbPicTypeBitmap And m_oXTab.UseMaskColor Then
Call DrawImage(m_lHDC, utTabInfo.TabPicture.Handle, g_pGetRGBFromOLE(m_oXTab.PictureMaskColor), utFontRect.Right - iAdjustedIconSize - 2, iTmpY, iAdjustedIconSize, iAdjustedIconSize)
Call m_oXTab.pPaintPicture(utTabInfo.TabPicture, utFontRect.Right - iAdjustedIconSize - 2, iTmpY, iAdjustedIconSize, iAdjustedIconSize)
End If
'm_oXTab.pPaintPicture utTabInfo.TabPicture, utFontRect.Right - iAdjustedIconSize, iTmpY, iAdjustedIconSize, iAdjustedIconSize
'shift the text to be drawn after the picture
utFontRect.Right = (utFontRect.Right + 1) - iAdjustedIconSize - 6
'call the API for the text drawing
DrawText m_lHDC, sTmp, -1, utFontRect, DT_CENTER Or DT_VCENTER Or DT_SINGLELINE
'revert the changes so that the focus rectangle can be drawn for the whole tab's clickable area
utFontRect.Right = (utFontRect.Right - 1) + iAdjustedIconSize + 6
End Select
'call the API for the text drawing
DrawText m_lHDC, sTmp, -1, utFontRect, DT_CENTER Or DT_VCENTER Or DT_SINGLELINE
End If
'call the API for the text drawing
'DrawText m_lHDC, sTmp, -1, utFontRect, DT_CENTER Or DT_VCENTER Or DT_SINGLELINE
If m_oXTab.bUserMode Then 'only if in the run mode
If iCnt = m_iActiveTab And m_bIsFocused And m_oXTab.ShowFocusRect Then
'draw focus rect
Call DrawFocusRect(m_lHDC, utFontRect)
End If
End If
End With
'store the larger tab height
iCnt = IIf(m_iActiveTabHeight > m_iInActiveTabHeight, m_iActiveTabHeight, m_iInActiveTabHeight)
'adjust the corners
m_oXTab.pLine 0, iCnt + 1, 0, iCnt + 4, m_lOuterBorderColor
m_oXTab.pLine m_iScaleWidth - 1, iCnt + 1, m_iScaleWidth - 1, iCnt + 4, m_lOuterBorderColor
'draw the line in the empty area after all the property pages heads are drawn
m_oXTab.pLine m_oXTab.aryTabs(m_iTabCount - 1).ClickableRect.Right, m_oXTab.aryTabs(m_iTabCount - 1).ClickableRect.Bottom + 1, m_iScaleWidth, m_oXTab.aryTabs(m_iTabCount - 1).ClickableRect.Bottom + 1, m_ge, xAlignLine 0, iCnt +ect. m_iInActivot.Left + iAdjustedIconSize +1, m_ge,sonSize +MEolforeee 0, ghtScaleWi, lforIpEsWi, lforIpEsWi, lforIpEsWi, lforIpEsWv_ 'call the API(P xAli
call the property pa3_C6p
'bottom line
m_oXTab.pLine_iTabCnt +ereft + iAdjustedIconSize +1, m_ge,sonSize +MEolforeee 0, gL .ab.aryTabs(m_iTabCount - 1).ClickableRect.